The Misk Programme | Foundation | 1J25 | Term 1

The Misk Programme is a two year Islamic Studies course which follows the established and successful curriculum of Ma’had al-Haram, taught in Makkah and Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

To get weekly updates regarding the programme as well as an opportunity to benefit from your fellow students, please join the student WhatsApp group by sending us a message with your full name using the button below. (+44 7827 262000)

Weekly lessons are released every Monday.

There will be live Q&A sessions with the teacher every month.

NOTE: Please click ‘Mark Complete’ after completing each section to have access to the following weeks’ classes

Course Content


About Instructor

Ustadh Maudud Ahmed

Ustaadh Maudud was born and raised in the UK. He is passionate about teaching The Misk Programme, as he, himself, has graduated from the 6-year programme (3 years Mutawassit & 3 years Thaanawi) at Ma’had al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi (Madinah). He is currently studying his bachelors in Hadith in Kulliyyah al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi. Whilst also studying under Shuyookh such as Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-‘Abbad and Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq Al-Badr (may Allah preserve them). Ustaadh Maudud is proficient in the Arabic language; having completed his initial Arabic language studies in Egypt, he continues to further his knowledge of this comprehensive language to this day.

21 Courses

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 20 Lessons
  • 72 Quizzes