Live Webinar for Muslims on

How to Study the Classical Islamic Sciences

in this modern age, within a few hours a week
and an Introduction to The Misk Programme.

Live Webinar for Muslims on

How to Study the Classical Islamic Sciences

in this modern age, within a few hours a week and an Introduction to The Misk Programme.

You will learn


The main reasons why many struggle to study the classical Islamic sciences and how the right study tips can help accelerate your journey.


Why having a structured, proven curriculum and qualified, experienced teacher could ensure that you’re continuously progressing, even in the little time you have.


 How to move on from the surface-level Islamic content and start studying Islam more deeply using a model that is flexible, easy and relevant.

Become a well-rounded Muslim who worships Allāh ﷻ to the highest level by studying Islam in a way that’s comprehensive, well-structured and conducive to your unique lifestyle.

Your Instructor

Ustādh Maudud Ahmed

Ustādh Maudud Ahmed was born and raised in the United Kingdom.

He graduated from the six-year programme at Ma’had al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi, Madinah and is currently studying for his bachelors in Hadith in Kulliyyah al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi, whilst also studying under Shuyūkh such as Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin Al-‘Abbād and Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr (may Allāh preserve them).

This webinar will help you on your journey towards studying the classical Islamic sciences, insha’Allah.

This webinar will help you on your journey towards studying the classical Islamic sciences, insha’Allah.


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