About Me |
Ustaadh Abu Madeenah was born and raised in the UK. He is passionate about teaching The Misk Programme, as he, himself, has graduated from the 6-year programme (3 years Mutawassit & 3 years Thaanawi) at Ma’had al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi (Madinah).
He is currently studying his bachelors in Hadith in Kulliyyah al-Haram in Masjid an-Nabawi.Whilst also studying under Shuyookh such as Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-‘Abbad and Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq Al-Badr (may Allah preserve them).
Ustaadh Abu Madeenah is proficient in the Arabic language; having completed his initial Arabic language studies in Egypt, he continues to further his knowledge of this comprehensive language to this day.